Wednesday 20 August 2014

Integrating Tortoise SVN (Source Version Control) into Qlikview

What is Tortoise SVN?
TortoiseSVN is a really easy to use Revision control / version control / source control software for Windows. It is based on Apache™ Subversion (SVN)®; TortoiseSVN provides a nice and easy user interface for Subversion.

TortoiseSVN is free software for software developers (programmers). It helps programmers manage different versions of the source code for their programs. Tortoise SVN is a Subversion client, implemented as a Microsoft Windows shell extension.

Note:-Before Setting up the SVN ,make sure you use the compatible versions for installing Apache Server and Subversion 32 Binaries

Setting up the Tortoise SVN in 10 simple steps:-

2.Right click on an empty folder and choose TortoiseSVN -> Create repository Here

3.Install Apache Windows Server from
4.Get 'Subversion Win32 binaries for Apache' and put in C:\svn

5.Copy C:\svn\bin\ and C:\svn\bin\ to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\modules

7.Edit C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf

8.Add/uncomment the following lines to the LoadModule section:

LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/

9.Add the following to the end of the file:

DAV svn
SVNPath (path to the svn repository you made)
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion repository"
AuthUserFile passwd
#AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile

#allow only authenticated users to access
Require valid-user

# allow read access to all, write access to authenticated users only
#Order deny,allow
#      Require valid-user

Next you need to create some users that can access your SVN repository through Apache 

10.Open command prompt at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2

bin\htpasswd.exe -c passwd (username you want to add)

Note: it will prompt to set the user's password

run the Apache Server

On the router, make sure to enable port forwarding for TCP port 80 (www) and 3690 (svn)

Test the Apache Server to make sure it's working
http://localhost -> does the web server work?
http://localhost/svn -> does mod_dav, svn modules & authentication work on the server?
http://server-ip-> (this is your external ip) does remote access work for the server?

Qlikview Books or Material one should go through before starting...

The two Qlikview Books which i would suggest to go through are

1. Qlikview For Enterprises
2. Qlikview 11 For Developers

1.Qlikview For Enterprises

QlikView is growing in acceptance and usefulness. Enterprises have questions about making QlikView the enterprise standard. Answers to the most common questions are presented in this book. It is attempted as a comprehensive collection of information and experiences. The book is an attempt to give a coherent presentation of all key concepts, in-depth view of QlikView technology, needs-driven view of its applicability, and an implementation framework including security, deployment and integration into the enterprise. It is coloured by the rich experience of the author in over 160 implementations over 7 years across multiple business verticals and functions.


@Copywrite From

2.Qlikview 11 For Developers

Whether you are new to developing QlikView applications, preparing for your QlikView Developer Certification or simply want to take your QlikView skills to the next level, QlikView 11 for Developers is a must-have for your library.

Link :-

@Copywrite From

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Build your First Application in Qlikview

To Build your first application in qlikview .

Please kindly refer to the link which is provided downwards ,this link will redirect to the Qlikview Community...

@Copywrite from Qlikview Community (

Components of the QlikView Business Discovery platform

The QlikView Business Discovery platform consists of 3 major components – QlikView Server, QlikView Publisher and QlikView Desktop, each playing an important part in designing, developing and implementing almost every QlikView deployment . Each component is used primarily by either an IT professional, a business analyst/developer, or a business user.

onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Affiliate', 'blogspot','/2014/08/components-of-qlikview-business.html']);"
Components of the Qlikview Business Discovery Platform
Typical Qlikview Deployment

QlikView Desktop

The QlikView Desktop is a Windows-based desktop tool that is used by business analysts and developers to create a data model and to lay out the graphical user interface (GUI or presentation layer) for QlikView apps. It is within this environment where a developer will use a SQL-like scripting environment (augmented by ‘wizards’) to create the linkages (connection strings) to the source data and to transform the data (e.g. rename fields, apply expressions) so that it can be analyzed and used within the UI, as well as re-used by other QlikView files. The QlikView Desktop is also the environment where all user interface design and user experience is developed in a drag-and-drop paradigm: everything from graphs and tables containing slices of data to multi-tab architectures to application of color scheme templates and company logos is done here.

The file type that is created using the QlikView Desktop is known as a QVW (.qvw, or QlikView file). Upon reload, a QVW can be used to create a data-only QVD (QlikView data) file, which is binary and contains no UI.

QlikView Server (QVS)

The QVS is a server-side product that contains the in-memory analytics engine and which handles all client/server communication between a QlikView client (i.e. desktop, IE plugin, AJAX or Mobile) and the server. It includes a management environment (QlikView Management Console) for providing administrator access to control all aspects of the server deployments (including security, clustering, distribution etc.) and also includes a web server to provide front-end access to the documents within. The web server’s user portal is known as Access Point. (It’s important to note that while the QVS contains its own web server, one can also utilize Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Server) for this purpose, too). The QVS handles client authorization against existing directory providers (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory, eDirectory) and also performs read and write to ACLs (access control lists) for QVW documents.

QlikView Publisher

The QlikView Publisher is a server-side product that performs two main functions:

1)   It is used to load data directly from data sources defined via connection strings in the source QVW files.

2)   It is also used as a distribution service to reduce data and applications from source QVW files based on various rules (such as user authorization or data access privileges) and to distribute these newly-created documents to the appropriate QlikView Servers or as static PDF reports via email.

Data sources that can be readily accessed by QlikView include standard ODBC or OLEDBcompliant databases, standard flat files such as Microsoft Excel, XML, etc. as well as from systems such as SAP NetWeaver,, and Informatica.